Metal Ceilings
For larger non-residential spaces such as hospitals, airport terminals and shopping malls, a metal ceiling can be the ideal solution for acoustic comfort and durability. With the right metal ceiling options, you can add a permanent noise reducing or soundproofing solution that features an attractive design. Edge Acoustics can offer a great selection of pre-made metal ceiling panels and beams, or we can help you create a custom metal ceiling that perfectly suits your aesthetic tastes and noise reduction requirements, while giving you necessary access to any plenum space. We offer both interior and exterior metal ceiling solutions as well, so you can rely on Edge Acoustics to help transform your space inside and out!
Visit our showroom in person, or browse our huge selection of industry leading metal ceiling products online to find the perfect metal ceiling for your space. Our staff will be more than happy to provide you with the relevant information and helpful advice to make the ideal metal ceiling selection.
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