Suspension Systems

When you need a top quality suspended ceiling system that can be installed in a timely, cost-saving fashion, look no further than the industry leading suspension systems available at Edge Acoustics. You'll find an excellent selection of suspension system products right in our showroom that are available to order right away. Each one of these products can offer the aesthetic and performance you require for any residential or commercial space. In addition to our standard suspension system options, we carry a number of specialized products that are rated for factors such as noise reducing acoustics, seismic activity and fire resistance. Along with their excellent quality and unique features, Edge Acoustic features suspension systems that are designed for fast installation, which can help you save a lot on future labour costs.
No matter what suspended ceiling option you may require, our expert staff can help you find the right solution for your needs and budget. Visit our showroom today to get a first hand look at our huge selection of quality suspension systems. We can provide you with all the necessary product info, advice and free samples to help you make the right decision for the new suspension system in your commercial or residential space.
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